
Marria's Story :O

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InSaNeMuffinz's avatar

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"Find the Atrocity! That Harlem! Where in Hell has it gone?!" The gruff voice echoed behind her as she ran, sinking behind the tall shrubbery near a pristine lake. Her breathing heavy, the daytime air had taken a toll on her. What had she done to them? She hadn't killed, nor stole, nor decieved anyone. Was being Different such a wrongful crime? Stealing away, along the border line she ran, her pale legs shining under the gleam of the setting sun. Cradling her stomach as she ran, careful not to disturb the growing life within her, she lept over brooks, and streams, racing over fallen logs through the thicket, growing ever closer to her destination, and change.

She ducked low behind a mossy boulder, she had heard a voice. A boy no more than 17 had spotted her. Was this where she'd lose her stealth? Would she be found, and murdered? Stareing unblinking at the teeen she was surprised by what she heard "Marria! .... If you come this way, you're sure to be caught!" The slender boy moved some branches aside, enough to where Marria could see the villagers searching around the area, The pale boy was called over "Demetri! Get yourself over here, this instance!" a shrude voice called. He winked, and turned to walk away "Ah, but Mother! I saw her! She was hiding in that tree over yonder!" he chuckled "She was making funny faces." The 'mob' gasped as they turned to look at the young boy "Really Young man? I see not a whisp of the creature now. Are you positive?" the gruff voiced man asked, astonished "Why, yessir! The prettiest thing I ever did see! But she swallowed a wee blue jay whole! I saw 'er go that way when Momma beckoned me!" his tone was flawless. He wasn't lying, only switching the truth up a bit. Pointing in the opposite way, the horde of villagers followed in that direction. Lady Marria was safe, for the time being. Demetria looked back, a look that seemed to say 'I'll see you again. I promise. And You're welcome' Marria was frozen for a moment from seeing the intensity of the boy's eyes. He's only a fre years younger, than I Thought Marria. Demetri said softly "Take care Marria! Come back again, alright?"  Nodding, she quickly stole away behind the shrubbery once again.

A small under water cave was her destination. A stout boulder held the entrance, with a small hole neatly carved out of hollow rock. She quickly leaped over, and idescended down opening being just small enough to squeeze through with ease. This is the place she first remembered. The moment of her arrival on Earth. You could say she was born here, born from the Earth itself. This is the place where her race will begin. Her legacy will forever continue.

The sound Of bones cracking, breaking to form a new skeleton. Muscles contracting, burning away with Human skin, and eyes, her arms became enlongated, covering with scales and tough rubbery skin. Elegant feathers shot forth at key points. Her sternum grew. Her entire body grew, and changed. She looked more serpant-like, more .... Draconic. A beautifully Horrific sight, this "transformation' was. The result was simply un-imaginable. She began the Birthing proccess, deciding to have the offspring the "Reptillian" way, the reason for her change. Making a small, -well, small to her- hole in the soft sandy ground, she bagan piling rocks, and kindle around the hole, packing in sand to keep it together. She heeved, and contracted, careful not to be too far up off the ground, even though the shells were made up of a nearly diamond like substance, she didn't want any mis-haps. She groaned, a horrific sound, yet no one would hear her here. The roaring waterfall outside muffled her cries.

When the eggs hit the floor, a sticky substance encased them. Different then normal afterbirth, this was hard, and could be toxic to any other species... Like Humans. She knew that only one of her precious eggs would survive, even so, she placed all three, one being born a decoy, a defense mechanism, into the dug out pit. She then buried them slightly, and carefully. Then Gently, she breathed her hot breath, not of flames, over the small fortress she had made, turning it to a crystal like substance, that stayed at a constant heat. Mother Marria then began her age old Slumber, in the very place her species Began.

             -Several Years Later-

Twins Were Born. One Male... And one Female. The Dracanon children already showed enchanting signs of skill, and unique abilities. Marria awoke, surprised to find two "human" children snoozing beneath one very large primrose feather, near her sternum. Her hollow breathing seemed not to disturb them in their slumber. She watched, a bit dazed, and who wouldn't be? She had slept for nearly 60 years. In that time, she wondered what else had changed? Aside from two children, who she knew were hers by the translucent half arrow marks on their tiny bodies., which marked their scent and clan, not visible to humans. Their skin was pale, their hair was light. The female had darkening locks, and a delicate looking form, and spiraled arrows acsended down her spine and shoulder blades. The male, who was identical to his female sibling, also had a delicate frame, for a male, and locks the color ivory, matching his paler skin, and light amaranth lips. Marria was curious as to what the children's Dracanon forms would be like. She already knew their names. The vowels, and constants echoed in her mind, screaming at her, They were Adam and Amelia. The First of many Dracanons. They would be the building blocks of everything. But, their appearance bore a striking resemblance to someone Marria had once met. Yet, How could they look like anyone but her? She hadn't seduced a human male. She hadn't seduced anyone. Strange.... Perplexing even. She let the thought slip.

Adam was the first to start stirring, waking Amelia. Marria crept out the large crevass, seeing it had become slightly larger over the years. Was it still the 15th Century? She highly doubted thst possibility.

The town was different. But she quickly spotted a clothing store. All lights out. She hadn't any money. and wasn't sure if the currecny was still the same anyway. Marria snatched a nice lantent gown, a few pairs of under garments, male and female, shorts, long pants, stockings, ribbons and day dresses. Everything she and her offspring would need to blend. The next morning, they would all three walk into town. She had also went around, being the stealthy creature she was, and swiped some cash. She was not proud of stealing from humans, but she had no choice now. She had slept for a decade or two... Or five. Marria's suspicions were right. The money she had saved, wouldn't be of use in this era. Atleast not much.

This is the back story behind Marria [link]
Fomr my OTHER story, Butterflies and Glowbugs :3
Ha o.o...

SO not finished, but meh, I haven't posted a lot lately o.o...
Like zip ha :3
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Homemade-Happiness's avatar
...Isn't it Harlet? Harlem is an area in New York, I think.

Very intriguing too, great job. : D